
...  a current research output Photographic Experimentation in the Letters of Sir John Herschel’. The Royal Society — Science in the Making (blog). 2024.

... a website of our project under the same sun.

...  a video of our public artwork ‘under the same sun’.

... a link to some works of art.

... a talk on my research topic and blueprint experiments.

... a publication of my project open office landscape at the Arctic Circle.

I am Carolin, an artist specialized in early experimental photographic practices. Currently I am working on my PhD project re-working the early plant-based photographic experiments by the English scientist John F. W. Herschel (1792-1871) at the Photographic History Research Centre at the De Montfort University Leicester (UK). The project is funded by the Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds and the Midlands-4-Cities doctoral award.

Together with artist Dico Kruijsse I run the project ‘under the same sun’: a research into the early photographic blueprint technique, light in scale 1:1, and the perception of space and time turning a building into an analogue recording device.

For further information, full bio, portfolio please contact me via carolinlangeinfo(a)